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 Sampah Bekas Genangan di Jalan Panjang di Bersihkan
photo Rudi Hermawan -

Waste Left by Puddles on Jalan Panjang Cleaned

We immediately deploy personnel to clean up the street and clogged gutter

The Kedoya Utara Urban Village PPSU personnel are sent to clean up waste left by the puddles on Jalan Panjang, Kebon Jeruk, West Jakarta.

Kedoya Utara Urban Village Head Tubagus Masarul Iman said puddles had inundated Jalan Panjang as high as 10 cm.

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"We immediately deploy personnel to clean up the street and clogged gutter," he expressed, Monday (10/5).

He explained puddles occurred, as the location was a basin. That was why a pump was important to drain the water into the Pisang River water channel.

"Five personnel have been alerted to the location. So if rain pours, they will check the gutters and puddles," he stated.

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